Recognition With Perfect Timing



Good Things Come in Twos
By Elizabeth Cutright

One is not always the loneliest number (especially if you’re at the top of Santa’s “nice” list), but just about everything is better when it’s part of a pair.

Two glasses of wine?  Awesome!

Leaving work two hours early?  Fantastic!

Always quickly following up your first sneeze with a second – odd, perhaps, but also oddly liberating (I mean this sneeze so much, I did it twice!).

Another thing that’s better when it involves a twin?  Blog nominations!

This week I logged to see that I’d been nominated twice for a Very Inspiring Blogger award.  Both the awesome Olive Wolfe from Count My Blessings and the lovely Luanne over at The Writer’s Site have both nominated The Daily Creative Writer, and I’m so honored to be recognized by these two inspiring bloggers and to be included in their nomination lists.

As with the One Lovely Blog Award, the Very Inspiring Blogger designation comes with a few minor – but worthwhile – duties, including:

  1. Displaying the award logo on the blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated your blog.
  3. State seven things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and link back to them.

So without further ado…drum roll please…some (more) facts about the Daily Creative Writer.

  1. I read the Anne of Green Gables series every year during my birthday month.
  2. My first cat had two litters of kittens – one a hodge-podge of coats and colors, the other comprised of seven perfectly white kittens with long fur and blue eyes.
  3. I once had a snowball fight in the shadow of the Andes.
  4. Two summers ago, the government of Israel invited me on a four-day press junket of their clean energy industry (where I got to eats lots and lots of hummus…yum!).
  5. The one time I “ran-away-from-home,” I hid in a closet just to see my parents’ reaction to my goodbye note – but they never saw it and after waiting in the dark amongst my shoes and Barbies, I finally had to admit defeat.
  6. 15 years later, I still do not regret my tattoo (take that Grunge era!)
  7. Halloween is my favorite holiday.

And now the blogs I’d like to nominate:

The Road Less Traveled

The Writer’s Site

On the Homefront

The Wired Journal

My Renaissance Life

Cow Pasture Chronicles

Lauren Ashley Musings

The Warrior Muse

Phoenix Rises Again

Short Form Blog

Blogging Via Typewriter


Hyperbole and a Half

Empty Nesting, Migraining and Menopausing

Bard of Steel

A Novel Journal

8 thoughts on “Recognition With Perfect Timing

  1. Thank you so much Elizabeth, I am honored. You certainly deserve the nomination, you are an inspiration to me and the reason I started Morning Pages from the Cow Pastures. Thank You.

  2. Congrats on your blog award and thank your for passing along the blog lovin’! I love hyperbole and a half, the others I’m not familiar with but I look forward to checking them out. Thanks for your inspiring blog, Elizabeth. It’s helped me through some tough writing times, encouraged me to keep the faith 🙂

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